Adventurousness - 72nd percentile - high
Your prefer high amounts of variety and new experiences in your life (i.e., you have high openness to new experiences).
Artistic Interests - 49th percentile - about average
You have about average love for art, music, and culture (i.e., you have about average openness to aesthetic experiences).
Emotionality - 65th percentile - high
Your attunement to your own and others' emotions is high. Whereas cheerfulness and excitement seeking (facets of extraversion) capture your propensity to feel positive emotions and neuroticism captures your propensity to feel negative emotions, emotionality refers to your overall openness to/desire to truly feel emotions.
Imagination - 73rd percentile - high
You have high imagination (i.e., you have high openness to experiences of the imagination).
Intellect - 85th percentile - very high
Your desire to play with ideas, reflect on philosophical concepts, and have deep discussions is very high (i.e., you have very high openness to intellectual experiences).
Liberalism - 58th percentile - about average
Your political liberalism is about average (conversely, your political conservatism is ). This is a facet of openness to experience because liberals tend to desire progressive change, whereas conservatives tend to prefer less political change.