How Do You Maintain Romantic Relationships?
Do you use positive or negative strategies to try to maintain your relationship with your romantic partner?
Big Five Inventory 2
Take this 60-item test to learn how you score on the Big Five Personality dimensions and select facets.
Personality & Behavioral Skills
Learn about your Big Five Personality Traits—as well as your behavioral skills in each of the Big Five domains!
Your Dark (and Light) Personality Traits
Learn about your dark personality traits (psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism)—and also how you want to change them!
Your Actual and Ideal Attachment Styles
Learn about your actual and ideal styles of forming close relationships.
Jungian Personality Type Test
This test measures your 4-letter Jungian personality type (similar to the variables measured in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator [MBTI]), and explains why the Big Five personality traits are superior.
IPIP-300 Personality Test
This 300-question test examines how you score on the Big Five personality dimensions, as well as 30 more specific personality facets.
IPIP-120 Personality Test
This 120-question quiz examines how you score on the Big Five personality dimensions, as well as 30 more specific personality facets.
Who Do You Want to Be?
Learn which personality traits you most want for yourself!
Your Attachment Styles
What is your attachment style? Take this test to learn about your attachment bonds with your romantic partner, parents, and best friend.
Personality and Memory Ability
Learn how your personality relates to your memory ability.
What Do You Look for in Relationships?
Learn which elements of a relationship are most important to you!
Where's My Partner?
How quickly can you find your partner in a crowd? This fun game compares your speed to other people and also teaches you about your attachment style.
How Attuned Are You?
Learn how tuned-in you are to your significant other or closest friend.
Iowa Gambling Card Game
Test your gambling skill and learn how your personality affects risky decisions.
How well do you know yourself? This updated and improved multi-part study compares how you DESCRIBE yourself with how you actually BEHAVE.
Watch how your personality evolves over the course of a year!
How Do You Deal?
Learn which coping strategies you tend to use to deal with problems in your life!
How Big Is Your Personal Bubble?
Do you like to keep other people at a cool, comfortable arm's length, or would you rather be close and warm with those around you?